
Who Saved My Sudarshan Kriya Tape?


Why would an extinguished candle become mysteriously ignited after it was properly estinguished for approximately two and a half hours?

Dear Reader,
Please continue perusing this narrative as the mysterious incidents unfold.

As an Art of Living Teacher who adores her Guru or Beloved Master beyond measure, I would devotedly offer flowers and perform Aarti (devotional prayers) to my beloved's Guru's Jesus-like portrait.

My Aarti equipment consisted of a deya ( small earthen container ) with the interior encased in wax and a small wick in the centre of this wax.

In a room in our home referred to as the Puja room, there was a large wooden desk. On this desk, I placed the beautiful picture of my beloved Guru. On either side of this beautiful photo were the pictures of my two adorable children who had left home to further their studies in Canada. At the front of my Guru's picture were the deya, my Kriya notes from my teacher training wrapped in white silk material, the Art of Living Video cassettes - Nature of Enlightenment etc. the introduction to Kriya video cassette that I used when teaching the Part One course, several of my Arabic books which I occasionally read, and, most important of all, my most treasured gift, my Sudarshan Kriya tape wrapped in white silk material.

On this most eventful Saturday, I performed my Aarti early in the morning and extinguished the lit candle at approximately eleven in the morning.

On this memorable day, my husband and I left home at 1. 30 in the afternoon to execute our Seva at the Diabetes Association of Trinidad and Tobago. We were away from home for approximately four hours.

On returning home at approximately six P.M. I entered the room to greet my beloved Guru. To my utter dismay, I confronted the entire picture of my beloved Guru and those of my dear children completely burnt. The charred remains were in a small mound on the table. The fire carefully guided by an unseen powerful Source burnt a certain area of the table but miraculously bypassed my Sudarshan Kriya notes, bypassed the Kriya teaching video cassettes, the Art of Living Video Cassettes, and, also bypassed my Arabic books. The fire travelled to my Sudarshan Kriya tape ( at that time, in the year l994, the only long Sudarshan Kriya tape in Trinidad ), and, burnt the silk covering and the ourter cassette covering. From the intense heat, the cassette covering was stuck or glued to my Sudarshan Kriya tape.

With trepidation and a pounding heart, I tremblingly picked up this treasured item. I recall repeating repeatedly,' I'm so very sorry, Gurudev'. I felt as though my Beloved had suffered immense discomfort from the intense heat.

Several minutes having elapsed, and having assumed some degree of composure and clarity of mind, I took my Kriya tape to my husband, Raymond. I explained what had transpired. Without any hesitation, he patiently and very carefully pried the casing apart. The outer case which was stuck to the Kriya tape broke during this delicate process. Once again, with trepidation and a pounding heart, I examined my Kriya tape. I observed the burnt areas on the tape and was certain that I would not be able to use it again. With a throbbing heart and agitated frame of mind, thoughts were racing through my mind. For instance, it would not be possible to obtain a Kriya tape from California, USA in time for our weekly Satsangh. It was late Saturday evening and our weekly Kriya practice was only a few days away.

Hesitatingly, I finally decided to place the damaged Kriya tape in a tape recorder to ascertain the degree of damage created. Miraculously, the Kriya tape resounded loudly and clearly. With a pounding heart, I rewound the tape several times and played it again and again.

It certainly was the most beautiful music that I had ever heard.

Such enchanting notes of my beloved Guru's voice flooded my heart and ears. An overwhelming feeling of deep gratitude welled up within me.

I know that my beloved Guru through God's grace saved my home, my Art of Living teaching material, my Arabic books, and, above all, my Sudarshan Kriya tape from the ravages of a raging fire.

Although this memorable incident occurred many years ago, I have conducted weekly Sudarshan Kriya follow-up practices with my somewhat damaged Keiya tape, and conducted numerous Basic Art of Living Courses using this indestructable tape. Dear Reader, to this day, this miraculous Kriya tape resounds ever so beautifully and clearly in my ears.

Numerous lives have been transformed by those who were fortunate to share this treasured gift - the Sudarshan Kriya.

I am overwhelmed with gratitude that my beloved's grace is constantly flowing in my life in great abundance.

A most grateful Devotee,

Aclima Daniel,
Art of Living Teacher, ( since 1993 )
Trinidad and Tobago.

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